Update to Radix 7.x-3.1

07. December 2015

Radix 7.x-3.1 uses Gulp and no longer requires Compass gems. The update has to be done manually.

Step 1: Update Radix

  1. Download Radix 7.x-3.1.
  2. Clear your site cache. drush cc all

Step 2: Remove unused files

Delete the following files from your subtheme:

  1. config.rb
  2. Gemfile
  3. Gemfile.lock
  4. Guarfile

Step 3: Copy required files.

Copy the following files from the default kit to your subtheme.

  1. radix/kits/default/bower.json to /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/bower.json
  2. radix/kits/default/config.json to /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/config.json
  3. radix/kits/default/package.json to /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/package.json
  4. radix/kits/default/gulpfile.js to /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/gulpfile.js

Step 4: Update values.

Update the following values in bower.json, config.json and package.json:

  1. {{Name}} : name of your subtheme.
  2. {{Description}} : description of your subtheme.
  3. {{machine_name}} : the machine name of your subtheme.

Step 5: Fix SCSS files and directories

  1. Move /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/assets/sass to /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/scss.
  2. Delete /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/scss/screen.scss
  3. Copy radix/kits/default/scss/default.style.scss to /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/scss/nameofyoursubtheme.style.scss
  4. Copy radix/kits/default/scss/radix to /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/scss/radix
  5. Rename /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/scss/global to /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/scss/base
  6. Rename /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/scss/partials to /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/scss/components
  7. Rename /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/scss/base/_helper.scss to /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/scss/base/_helpers.scss
  8. Rename /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/scss/base/_mixin.scss to /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/scss/base/_mixins.scss
  9. Rename /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/scss/base/_variable.scss to /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/scss/base/_variables.scss

Step 6: Fix JS files and directories

  1. Move /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/assets/javascripts to /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/js
  2. Rename /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/js/script.js to /path/to/nameofyoursubtheme/js/nameofyoursubtheme.script.js

Step 7: Update info file

Edit nameofyoursubtheme.info and update the following lines:

  1. stylesheets[all][] = assets/stylesheets/screen.css to stylesheets[all][] = assets/css/nameofyoursubtheme.style.css
  2. scripts[] = assets/javascripts/script.js to scripts[] = assets/js/nameofyoursubtheme.script.js

Step 7: Install bower and npm modules.

Run npm run setup

Step 8: Run gulp

Run gulp to start watching for changes.